Next.js 13 Routing: A Complete Guide to Mastering Dynamic and Nested Routes

Next.js 13 Routing: A Complete Guide to Mastering Dynamic and Nested Routes

Did someone say routes? Routing is a crucial aspect of web development that allows users to navigate through websites with ease. And it has become smooth like butter with the Next.js 13's new app directory.

In this blog post, we'll explore the basics of routing in the Next.js 13 app directory and learn how to create dynamic and nested routes.

A small glimpse of the app directory

Next.js 13 app directory works around folders that come with support for nested routing, layouts, loading states, error handling and more. So you can easily define routes using folders, and UI using various files (with .js/.ts/.jsx/.tsx extension):

  • page: provides UI for this route

  • layout: provides layout UI for this particular route and all descendants

  • error: provides UI for dealing with errors for this route, unless handled by another error route

  • loading: provides loading UI for this route

    ...and more. You can read about it here.

Routing basics

Suppose you're building a blog website, and wish to have a /blog route. Follow these 2 easy steps to create a route:

  • Add a new folder named blog inside the app directory.

  • Inside the blog folder, add a page(.js/.ts/.jsx/.tsx) file to provide the UI for the blog route.

    voila, your /blog route is created.🎉

routing in Next.JS 13

Nested Routes

What if you need a route like: /blog/nextjs? In Next.js 13, you can think of nested routes as folders inside folders. For this:

  • create nextjs folder inside blog folder, which is inside your app. And don't forget to add page file inside the nextjs folder. That's it, it's that easy!

nested routing in Next.JS 13

Dynamic Routing

What if you don't know the exact routes? Do they depend on some dynamic data? Say you need a route /blog/some-blogID where this blogID is unique for every blog. You can easily generate a route by:

  • first, create a folder blog inside your app directory.

  • now, create a new folder with square brackets like[blogID] inside your blog folder. You can give it any meaningful name, but don't forget those square brackets.

  • finally, add page file inside your [blogID] folder. Your route /blog/[blogID] is created.

dynamic routes in Next.JS 13

To display content for the dynamic route

To display suitable content in your page file corresponding to the route, you can use the params argument:

export default function blogID({ params, searchParams }) {
    return <div>ID: {params.blogID}</div>
//after params, specify the name you used for your [folder]

That's it for now, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me. I'll be happy to help. Thanks for reading!⚡